Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010



Aunt Sister

Brodie in his new boaredshorts

My Aunt sister bought me my outfit with my B initalled in it..


My little naked tail!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Brodie sitting at the Bar at the restaurant
All he every wants is to put his fingers in his mouth. I really dont want him to start doing this,but if i get 10 min of quite time im okay .
Brodie's grandmother got him a moose in Alaska. It's the only manly stuff ed animal Brodie has.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dawn, Billy's sister made me this Memory Can for me for my shower.

It's Says: Baby books are great ideas, But sometimes your to busy.
Living with a little one can put you in a tizzy.
Milestones pass by too fast, to find the proper page.
So jot a note of each event with date and babies age.
" Like took 3 steps on may 1st or teething on the 5th of December."
Then drop it in the memory can to help you remmber!